Out with the old, in with the new Feedback Giveaway survey program

To reduce pump clutter, Project CSI has visited your site(s) to remove old and outdated decals and replace them with the following new and more streamlined decals. Additionally, you may have noticed that as part of the pump declutter project, the Gas Visit Survey (a.k.a. Visitor Barometer Survey) materials have also been removed and are no longer required. 

The Gas Visit Survey program has been officially discontinued and the new Feedback Giveaway survey program has taken over.  

The new Feedback Giveaway survey has been redesigned and refreshed to be more concise with more targeted areas of feedback. This helps ensure consumers are more likely to complete the survey, thus providing important feedback on the areas that are paramount to consumecr satisfaction.  

Along with a monthly $100 grand prize sweepstakes gift card drawing, the new survey program also incorporates a $10 instant win feature to keep consumers instantly incentivized for taking time to complete the survey.  

We need your help!  Follow the steps below:

  1. Please ensure that any lingering Gas Visit Survey pump flags and restroom or door clings are removed immediately.   
  2. Ensure that all credit card receipt messages have been changed to include the following message: 


Win 1 of 66 $25 
Gas gift cards!!!
Provide feedback 


Your opinion
Counts! Enter to 
Win 1 of 66 $25  
Gas gift cards!!!  
Provide feedback

Thank you for your help transitioning to the new survey program! Stay tuned for more information on how you can access and leverage the survey results for your site(s)! 

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