Are you ready to dominate the competition and join us in Tucson? The winners of our Destination Excellence competition will be treated to an all-expenses-paid trip for two to stay at The Ritz-Carlton, Dove Mountain Resort in Tucson, Arizona this fall.
As we continue to leverage mobile pay to drive traffic to your site(s), The Destination Excellence competition is our “thank you” to you for your dedication to growing your business through our branded mobile apps. We now know that mobile pay users are 3.7 times more likely to return to your site(s). With seasonal, engaging promotions at your site(s) year-round, once consumers make that first mobile purchase at the pump, they’ll know they can head to your site for safe, rewarding fill-ups every time.

Winning The Destination Excellence Contest is all about creativity and dedication. Our most successful sites have nurtured mobile pay adoption by truly connecting with consumers one-on-one to prove why filling up at their site(s) with the app is the best choice they can make for their vehicle and their wallet. To help spark inspiration, we asked one of our customers with a leading 22% mobile pay adoption rate to share what has worked for him when engaging with consumers about mobile pay.

One of our Conoco® customers in Hastings, Nebraska says the first step to successful mobile pay adoption is ensuring your employees understand how to use the branded apps in case consumers have questions. This empowers every person at your site to be a mobile pay ambassador, creating a unified effort towards a common goal. He has also set a personal goal for himself to pull ten consumers aside a day to truly show them the app’s ins and outs. If he finds that someone is on the fence or unsure, he will then pull his own truck around and show them that the proof is in the pumping, letting them watch the price drop as he pays with his My Conoco App.

For more testimonials for how mobile pay has positively affected your colleagues’ business and their top tricks and tips for promoting mobile pay, check out these videos:
If you have your own stories or mobile pay promotion initiatives at your site(s), we invite you to share them here for a chance to be featured in our next article.
For full contest details, visit BizLink.
You can check your Destination Excellence rankings anytime here.