Collectible Dodger pins are back, and they’re outta the park! 

Starting July 15 and continuing through August 31, consumers will have the chance to add a new Dodger pin from this year’s two outta-the-park designs to their coveted collection. It is no surprise that the Dodger pin promotion has consistently proved to be a consumer favorite: Last year alone, nearly 26,000 Dodger pins were redeemed. Additionally, by encouraging the consumer to pay using the My 76® App to qualify, downloads of the mobile app increased by 37%!  

How it Works: 

  1. Consumer uses the My 76® App to fill up with and pay for 8 or more gallons of fuel.  
  2. Post-fuel purchase, they follow the instructions on the Deal Card to request their Dodger pin.  

This year’s pins are sure to be heavy hitters with our consumers, so get excited! Fans will hear about this promotion through media support, specifically radio, billboards, digital banner ads, Waze, Gas Buddy and POP at your site(s). You will be receiving your POP this week, and it should be installed according to the placement guide before Friday.  

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