November 2021

Your pumps are getting a facelift

You told us that your pumps are too cluttered with signage and other decals, and we listened. Before the end of the year, an agent from Project CSI, LLC will visit your site(s) to remove old items such as credit card application holders and outdated decals, replacing them with new, streamlined decals. 

Here’s what you need to know: 

  • The agent will provide a letter to site personnel that states Phillips 66 has authorized the work. 
  • The agent will take a picture of the fuel dispenser before and after the work is completed. 
  • The effort is expected to take 1-2 hours and will not affect normal business operations. 
  • This service is at no cost to you. 

One of the new decals you can expect for your site(s) will be for our new consumer survey program. Consumer surveys deliver valuable feedback and guidance on how your site(s) are perceived, and can give you insight to better understand and exceed consumer expectations to nurture brand loyalty. 

You can find survey submissions and results for your site(s) on the Market Force portal, so be sure to check in frequently so you can stay in tune with your consumers’ opinions. 

The more feedback your store receives, the more chances you’ll have to exceed their expectations. 

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