Your new Weekly Fill-Up has arrived!

We asked and you answered! Through surveys and focus groups, you shared with us what you want from our communications to you. Now, we are excited to introduce you to our new communication channels designed with your business in mind. When you joined our branded network, it became our job to help drive your business forward in ways that meet and exceed industry, and your, expectations. We are here to help empower you with the tools, knowledge and resources that give you an edge over the competition at every step, no matter where you’re at in your retail fuel journey. We are excited to tackle some of the biggest topics facing our industry with you, providing perspective, expertise, innovations and best practices on energy and retail that extend beyond the fuel island.

We have established an editorial mission statement to guide our content and ensure the information we share is valuable to you.

Our editorial mission statement:

It’s time to power ahead together. Company and customer. You and us. Where we both share a vision of growth. Where you are supported, and the work feels rewarding.

We’ll empower you with the tools and programs to move you forward.

To give you insights the competition doesn’t have.  

To provide thoughtful answers that help you overcome your unique challenges.

To deliver you more value that helps your hard work pay off.

Today you are part of a conversation that drives growth. A conversation where the future of our industry, the news you need and shared learnings are met with expert perspectives to give your business an edge.

No matter where you’re at in your fuel retail journey, our mission is to provide the resources that fuel your success.

With that in mind, we have decided to sunset Brand News, News You Can Use and Key Messages to make way for new communication channels that are tailored to your business’ needs, helping you build a business that continues to drive volume and keep consumers making that left turn for every fill up. 

These are the new publications you can expect to hit your inbox: 

Weekly Fill-Up will be delivered to your inbox every Tuesday and will contain information you need to know for topics within the next 30 days. 

Mile Marker will arrive the last Thursday of every month and will serve as a look-ahead for what is coming up as well as a summary of the ongoing items from Weekly Fill-Up, giving you a one-stop resource you can come back to anytime you need. 

Miles Ahead will be a quarterly publication that will allow us the opportunity to dive deeper into the topics that matter to you. We heard you want to hear more about new technology, succession planning and industry trends, and this is where we will call on expert perspectives to empower you with knowledge and understanding of the industry’s most pressing happenings. 

Additionally, text messaging will be rolling out in Q1 2022. You will have the ability to opt in to receive updates and information straight to your phone for immediate action at your site(s), as well as live security updates to keep your site(s) ahead of fraud. Stay tuned into upcoming publications to be notified when you can enroll. 

We are excited to begin this new journey with you and hope we exceed all your expectations. If there is anything you want to see more of or if you have additional follow-up questions on anything you read, message us directly using the link at the bottom of this page. 

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