The Fan Favorite Dodgers Pin Promotion is back! 

Consumers who use the Fuel ForwardApp to purchase fuel at a participating Los Angeles-area site can receive a limited-edition Dodger pin of their choosing, while supplies last. Consumers must purchase eight or more gallons of fuel to be eligible to receive a Dodger pin.   

How it Works:  

  1. Consumer uses the Fuel Forward App to fill up with and pay for 8 or more gallons of fuel.   
  2. Post-fuel purchase, they follow the instructions on the Deal Card to request their Dodger pin.   

This year’s pins are sure to be heavy hitters with our consumers, so get excited! Fans will hear about this promotion through media support, specifically radio, billboards, digital banner ads, Waze, Gas Buddy and POP at your site(s). Please be on the lookout for the new POP, which can be placed according to the placement guide beginning August 15.

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