The 2024 Brand Calendar is now available! 

The 2024 Brand Calendar highlights our exciting and innovative advertising and promotions happening this year across the Phillips 66®, Conoco® and 76® brands. Our 2024 advertising and promotions are designed to help build consumer loyalty and drive traffic. 

We put the power of marketing to work through a mix of advertising and promotions including: 

Brand Advertising. In late 2023, we introduced the GO GO GOTM brand campaign, and the response has been nothing short of phenomenal. This year, we’re injecting even more Go into this initiative and we’re ready to amplify it throughout our consumer advertising and promotions. In 2024, you will see the GO GO GOTM Campaign active all year across television, social media, billboards, digital ads, sports sponsorships, the Fuel ForwardTM App and more. 

Fuel ForwardTM App. This year, we’re excited to continue to build brand loyalty and consumer engagement through our Fuel ForwardTM App discounts and promotions. In 2024, we will support active Fuel Forward AppTM offers and promotions through enhanced advertising including POP, social media, digital ads, sports sponsorships and more! Reminder: Check out the 2024 Fuel ForwardTM App Offers

In-Store POP/Promotions. The 2024 POP will further support the launch of the GO GO GOTM Brand Campaign at your site(s). Designed to help drive consumer preference and loyalty, the POP features the applicable Fuel ForwardTM App offer (for mobile-enabled sites) with GO GO GO branding elements. Throughout the year, POP will support in-market promotions and initiatives such as Renewable Diesel, MLB ticket promotions and NFL sponsorships. Tip: Placement Guides are available on Phillips 66 Gateway to help ensure correct installation.  

Sports Sponsorships. Our 2024 Brand Calendar highlights our strategic sports sponsorship designed to build consumer loyalty and drive traffic to your site(s). This year, our branded sponsorships span across college teams, NCAA Division I Conferences, MLB, NFL, MLS and NWSL.  

Media: Throughout 2024, we will support campaigns with innovative media and digital marketing tactics designed to capture consumer engagement, build brand loyalty, and drive traffic to your site(s) including television, social media, billboards, digital ads and more.  

Check out the 2024 Brand Calendar in Phillips 66 Gateway! 

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