January 2022

Phillips 66’s compliance fees for software upgrades will be delayed

Due to COVID’s impact causing staffing shortages along with the lack of installers during the holiday season due to EMV upgrade completions, we understand your site(s) may have had difficulty getting installers to your station to complete software upgrades. However, your contract with Phillips 66 requires you to keep your site(s)’ software up to date for security and functionality purposes, and to avoid the monthly $500 compliance fee, you must upgrade your software by Feb. 28 to meet the minimum version standard as outlined in the chart below.  

As previously communicated, Visa and MasterCard have started issuing compliance fees and per-transaction charges for specific issues. Equipping your site(s) with the most up-to-date software offers the latest virus protection, functionality for more secure credit card transactions and the latest functionality that is often needed to participate in brand promotions. 

Contact your local installer today to schedule your upgrade.  

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