Mystery Shop Program Update

In July of 2022, with the transition to our new mystery shop vendor IPSOS, the consecutive failure tracking & debranding process was put on pause. Our intention was to ensure all customers and our new vendor were able to get into a proper workflow with the new changes that were implemented. 

Now that we are comfortable with the new process and vendor, we have resumed tracking consecutive failures. As we have previously announced, every site’s consecutive failure count was reset to zero as of January 1st, 2023. 

Here is a quick recap of how the consecutive failure tracking process works, per your agreement: 

  • Sites in our network are not allowed to fail more than two (2) consecutive quarterly shops, or they face debranding due to noncompliance 
  • Any site that fails three (3) consecutive mystery shops can be debranded 
  • Sites will receive a 90-day Notice of Termination (NOT), in the month following the close of a quarter, if they fail two times in a row 
  • 90-day NOTs go out in July for those sites that have failed their second consecutive shop in Q2 
  • If a site fails the next quarter, the debrand is executed based on the specific date listed in the NOT 

As a reminder to all of our customers, a cure program is in place to help your site get back into good standing and reset any failures you may have experienced from previous quarters.  

Please refer to your contract or contact your sales rep if you have any further questions. 

Click here to view previous communication & updates about Ipsos. 

We have previously written some tips to help improve your mystery shop scoring here

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