May 2022

Goers will GO with Conoco®’s new campaign

The time has come to announce our new Conoco® campaign—Goers Will Go. An Ode to Go is many things, but as we uphold the spirit of Go, it’s an appreciation, celebration and reverence for all that Go-ing does to enrich our lives. And no matter how you choose to Go, the Conoco brand will always be there to get, and keep, you Go-ing your way.  

The Conoco brand is pivoting and getting consumers’ imaginations Go-ing with “Great Places You Could Go,” keeping consumers’ sense of wonderment alive through fantasy, engaging games and future travel plans.  

With Covid-19 hopefully in our back window, we’re all ready to get Go-ing again. There’s no better time to Choose Go®, so we are elated to introduce our “Goers” series of characters. These animated characters are tailoring our message for a post-Covid mindset through unique narratives, inventive content and one-on-one social and digital engagement opportunities with consumers. Consumers will meet six new Goers over the next few months, with each character proving that some people are born with Go deeply embedded in their DNA. Nothing can stop these Goers from getting where they need to Go, especially with your site(s) fueling their every move.  

This campaign will manifest itself through social, digital and other media to drive the message of Go-ing home and beyond. Be on the lookout for these advertisements and meet our Goers by following @Conoco on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter as this campaign rolls out.   

At the core, Conoco embodies what our fuel helps you do, see and experience—embracing the moment of possibility at the pump. For our brand, this means sparking travel through choosing Go at every turn—embracing individuality, locality and adventure in each market to drive traffic to your business for fill-ups, snacks and their sense of Go. 

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