Fraud Alert: New overlay skimming tactics for Gilbarco fuel dispensers

The Phillips 66 Fraud Department has seen an increase in exterior pin pad overlay skimmers on the Gilbarco Encore 700 series fuel dispensers in Southern California. These dispensers have a security feature that will shut down the dispenser and trigger an alert on the POS terminal if the pump doors are opened. To avoid this alert, criminals are using exterior overlay skimmers on both the pin pads and credit card readers. As this type of fraud becomes more pertinent across varying POS system providers and versions, we want to ensure you and your employees are aware and well equipped to detect and mitigate this type of fraud at your site(s).

The overlay skimmers that are being placed on the pin pads are easy to recognize during daily inspections. These overlay pin pad’s are raised above the surface of the existing pin pad approximately 1/8 of an inch higher than the original pin pads flush surface, as shown below.

The black perimeter around the pin pad is a sign of compromise.

A credit card reader overlay skimmer is also identified once the pin pad overlay has been removed. These are difficult to identify since they fit so tight and precise.

Share this information with your employees so that everyone in your business is alert and aware as we continue to see this type of fraud increase across different POS systems. 

Removing an overlay skimmer

  • Use latex gloves when handling the skimmer to preserve any evidence for forensic processing by law enforcement.
  • Take photos of the skimmer before and after removing it.
  • Minimize handling of the skimmer and place it in a paper bag to protect it and keep it from being handled by others before turning it over to law enforcement.
  • Contact your local police department and the Phillips 66 Fraud Department at 1-888-482-1838 or

As we continue to see this type of fraud increase across different POS systems, we advise you to take the following steps to prevent this type of fraud at your site(s) and share these with your employees so that everyone in your business is alert and aware.

Phillips 66 Fraud highly recommends inspecting for these overlay pin pad skimmers in addition to the daily inspection process already in place. If an overlay skimmer is identified contact the P66 Fraud Hotline at 888-482-1838 or your pump maintenance company.

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