January 2022

‘Don’t Wash Me: Mountainscape’ campaign shows a dirty car transform into a work of art

Dirty Car Artist Scott Wade is known for transforming dirty windows into works of art, and for Conoco®’s ‘Don’t Wash Me: Mountainscape’ campaign, he did just that. Heading into the Rocky Mountains, the campaign included a video, engagement email and social components that highlighted Scott’s artistic process. Scott brought a mountainscape to life in a Ford Bronco’s back window inspired by the breathtaking Quandary Peak.  

With a full video production crew, Conoco captured the essence of our key Rocky Mountain market through vibrant closeups of the surrounding nature, Scott’s swift brush strokes and delicate touch ups along with expertly framed shots of an artist in the elements. The finished product was a timelapse video, which was placed in an engagement email and social post. The email also included an interactive polling mechanism where subscribers could vote on their favorite place to dirty up their car and see how their results stacked up against others, allowing for two-way engagement with the Conoco brand and a sense of connection with others who Choose Go® the same way they do. The final call to action was to find their nearest Conoco car wash to clean their canvas, fuel up at one of your site(s) and hit the road to find their next destination – maybe even gathering some dirt along the way.  

Be sure to subscribe to receive Conoco marketing emails to receive more videos and other unique content in your inbox! The social component of the campaign went live last week, so be sure to follow @Conoco on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to see ‘Don’t Wash Me: Mountainscape’ and more. 

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