May 2022

Why Ipsos? Meet your new site assessment program

Ipsos Channel Performance will replace Market Force as our brand compliance assessment provider, including mystery shops, and will begin conducting the Excellence in Action assessments starting July 1, 2022.  

Over the next several weeks, you will learn more about our transition plan and how this new provider will give your site(s) the tools and guidance to provide an elevated fueling and c-store experience for consumers. As we make these decisions to encourage growth in every aspect of your daily operations, this article will review why we have trusted Ipsos with the assessment of your site(s) and how this can drive traffic through improved quality in all facets of your business.  

Who is Ipsos Channel Performance?  

Ipsos Channel Performance (commonly referred to as “Ipsos”) is an independent market research company controlled and managed by research professionals. They deliver insightful expertise across five research specializations: brand, advertising and media; customer loyalty; marketing; public affairs research; and survey management. Ipsos ranks fourth in the global research industry with offices in 89 countries—allowing them to keep a pulse on industry trends and give customers access to expert opinions to help guide their business toward a data-driven, ideal experience for consumers. 

Why did we switch providers?  

With the Market Force contract ending in 2022, we wanted to ensure we were with the best brand compliance assessment provider in the industry, leading us to take a deeper dive into how other companies could provide fresh mindsets and unique perspectives on your business, ultimately making positive impacts that drive repeat fuel sales.  

After many presentations, Ipsos was awarded the contract based on many factors including their robust and easy-to-use reporting platform, experienced shopper base and innovative technology to help increase adoption and program success. In addition to a streamlined customer experience, they also proved to be experts in the fuel and c-store industry, currently serving several other major oil companies. Additionally, case studies reveal how their analytic muscle and technology-driven process will bring the right mix of tactical and strategic insights for consumer satisfaction. For these reasons, Ipsos will now execute quarterly site assessments at each Phillips 66 location across the US, Puerto Rico and Mexico.  

Will the site assessment questionnaire be changing?   

The Excellence in Action questionnaire, point values, quarterly assessment schedule and program rules/requirements will remain unchanged throughout 2022. Furthermore, ongoing evaluations will occur throughout the remainder of the year to evaluate any changes that should be made to the program once the transition is completed.   

What support resources and training opportunities will be available and when?  

The change from Market Force to Ipsos will require customers to learn a new platform to access their Excellence in Action performance scorecards and view dashboard details and reports. Ipsos will host a booth at the upcoming Power Ahead conference tradeshow to introduce themselves and begin showcasing the new platform and functionality that will be coming soon.  

In partnership with Ipsos, a variety of training collateral and webinars to support this transition will begin rolling out later this month. Training and support activities will be ongoing prior to the July 1 launch, as well as immediately following the launch, to help ensure a smooth transition.

Additionally, shopper education and training are already underway, and Ipsos shoppers will begin conducting practice shops during the months of May and June to ensure shoppers are ready for launch on July 1.   

We look forward to this new relationship with Ipsos and continuing to achieve top consumer satisfaction and brand image performance through the Excellence in Action program!  

For any questions related to the Excellence in Action program or Ipsos, please reach out to Josh Combs (  

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