March 2022

Your annual renewal of Tobacco Assurance of Voluntary Compliance is here.

In 2007, Phillips 66 joined 40 attorney generals in creating the Assurance of Voluntary Compliance to help prevent the sales of tobacco products to minors. This program represents your commitment to the youth of our country by preventing the sale, and therefore use, of tobacco products to minors.

Each year, Phillips 66 asks all customers to renew their commitment to negating the sale of tobacco products to minors. Renewing your commitment is an easy process that begins in BizLink portal and is fulfilled by your site(s). 

  1. Provide a copy of the Tobacco Assurance of Voluntary Compliance letter to each of your branded locations by April 1. This can also be accessed and downloaded on BizLink.
  2. Confirm you have sent them to your site(s) by using the Tobacco Assurance – Manage Compliance page found under “Contracts” in the blue menu on the home page. 

This program not only helps protect the health of our youth, but keeps your business protected from liability of selling to minors. We thank you for your participation in this program, and look forward to a healthier future for generations to come.  

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