2021’s top Excellence in Action success tips

The Excellence in Action site assessment program is designed with retailers in mind. Helping meet the demand of today’s consumers, the EIA program helps drive positive and consistent consumer experiences by supporting your performance in areas proven to impact satisfaction and drive sales.

As we are wrapping up the first year of the new Excellence in Action program, you can view your current shop scores to date, as well as all historic scores by going to www.excellenceinactionprogram.com. As a reminder for login, your username will always be your Sold To or Ship To number, not your email address.

We are so excited to continue this program in 2022 and have recapped this year’s top tips to keep your site(s) in tip-top shape for mystery shops to come.

Check out the below tips for mystery shop success and share them with your employees so that everyone is empowered to make an impact at your site(s) and the best first impression for all consumers:

  1. Be an active participant in your store’s results and performance. Review your scorecard results and commentary each quarter.
    • TIP: Be sure to register your email under your account profile to have your shop scores and copy of your scorecard delivered to your inbox automatically after each shop occurs!
  2. Be aware of the top missed items for 2021 and ensure your sites are watching out for these common oversights:
    • Missing name badge
    • Missing or expired pump toppers
    • Not wearing a shirt or uniform with your brand’s logo
    • Pump failing to print a receipt
  3. Use the Cure Program to correct mistakes, earn back points and drive continuous improvement of your store’s performance.
    • QUESTION: What if I have a repair that takes longer than 30 days to complete?
    • If your correction requires you to order parts or installation that cannot be completed prior to the 30-day cure deadline, you may submit:
      • A photo of your invoice or work order
      • Projected date of completion
  4. Visit Market Force or BizLink to view Excellence in Action program resources:
    • Sample questionnaires
    • One pagers and FAQs
    •  Guidebooks
    • Brand image standards

Remember, shops are conducted quarterly and have been engineered to keep your site(s) ahead of the competition when it comes to efficiency, cleanliness and overall consumer experience. Participating and achieving passing scores on the site assessment survey program will help your business optimize every consumer’s experience and is required according to the branded supply agreement. Prompt attention to site deficiencies is necessary to keep your site in good standing and to prevent future image violations that may result in the site being debranded. For any additional questions regarding mystery shops, the Cure Program or anything regarding Excellence in Action, visit Market Force or BizLink.

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