January 2024

Bizlink Supply Suite is no longer available

As we prepare to fully transition to Phillips 66 Gateway in March, the Supply Suite will no longer be available in Bizlink beginning February 12. Fully transitioning the Supply Suite to Gateway provides a holistic, streamlined experience while improving efficiencies for your team(s) and preparing for the laydown of Bizlink. This is the first step in our phased approach to fully transitioning to Phillips 66 Gateway. We will provide more information regarding the full transition in the coming weeks. 

The Supply Suite information moving to Gateway on February 12 includes:  

  • Supply Summary  
  • Allocation Alerts  
  • GPO Requests  
  • Terminal Status View, Clearance, and Outages  
  • Loading Instructions  
  • Carriers List  

Note: All carrier modification requests should be made via Gateway Cases or email/phone starting February 12.  

If you are using BizLink, we encourage you to begin using Gateway for your business needs to help minimize any potential disruption through the transition. For tips of preparing for the transition from Bizlink to Gateway, please reference our recent article: Make the Most of Phillips 66 Gateway in 2024.  

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