January 2024

Weekly Fill-up is back redesigned.

As technology advances, the way we communicate is constantly evolving. Email communications are an integral part of how we communicate to you, and adapting to the changing landscape helps us provide a better customer experience. As we step into 2024, we’re adapting our email communication to empower you with the tools, knowledge and resources that help move your business forward. We’re enhancing our emails to help improve relevancy, efficiency, clarity and overall effectiveness.  

In 2024, we’re making changes to: 


  • Frequency: To provide more relevant and effective content and news, you will now receive Weekly-Fill-Up biweekly.   
  • Content: We know that upcoming dates and events are important to you. Beginning in February, Weekly-Fill-Up will include a section that serves as a look-ahead for what’s coming up, similar to the monthly Mile Marker. Weekly Fill-up will continue to deliver informative news tailored to your business needs.  
  • Feedback: We’re always interested in hearing from you! We will have a dedicated feedback section in Weekly-Fill-Up where you can provide feedback and/or questions. Your feedback will help us deliver more meaningful content and improve your experience.  
  • Template: With the content changes and the recent launch of GO GO GOTM, we’re excited to launch a new, engaging and interactive email template in February.  

Mile Marker: The goal of Weekly-Fill-Up is to be the one-stop resource for all your branded news. With that in mind, we’ve decided to sunset Mile Marker to make way for enhanced communications that are tailored to your needs. 

Miles Ahead: Miles Ahead will continue to run as a quarterly publication that will allow us the opportunity to dive deeper into the topics that matter to you. We will call on expert perspectives to empower you with knowledge and understanding of the industry’s most pressing happenings. If there’s a topic you’d like to hear about, please let us know through our new Weekly Fill-up feedback section (coming soon).  

We are excited to introduce you to our enhanced email communication channels designed with your business in mind. As we make these changes in the coming month, please ensure your subscriptions are up-to-date in Phillips 66 Gateway.  

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