2024 Excellence in Action Program Enhancements 

As we prepare for 2024, we are excited to announce enhancements to the Excellence in Action Program. Effective January 1, the Excellence in Action Program will incorporate changes and enhancements based on your feedback. These changes will help improve your experience while helping to elevate consumer satisfaction levels, foster loyalty, and ultimately enhance overall business performance. 

Changes effective January 1, 2024:  

  • Question and Scoring Changes: Changes to the Questionnaire include:  
    • Removing Questions 13 and 32. Those point values will be redistributed into Question 4. Question 4 will now be 5 points. 
    • Question 32 will be combined into Questions 30-31.  
  • NEW – Consecutive Failure Procedure*: Changes to the consecutive failure procedure include actions taken on the third consecutive failure. 
    • Fail #1: Occurs when the final assessment score for the quarter has not achieved a passing score of 85 or above. Notifications of first failure will be delivered with the quarterly assessment results and indicated on the front page at the bottom of the report. 
    • Fail #2: Occurs when the final assessment score for the second consecutive quarter has not achieved a passing score of 85 or above. A notification of second failure will be delivered with the quarterly assessment results and indicated on the front page at the bottom of the report.  
    • Fail #3: Occurs when the final assessment score for the quarter has not achieved an 85 or above for the third consecutive quarter. A notification of third failure will be delivered with the quarterly assessment results and indicated on the front page at the bottom of the report. The site will be issued a $2,500 fine. Any additional, consecutive, quarterly failure will result in additional fines of the same dollar amount. 
    • *This NEW Consecutive Failure Procedure does not eliminate, revise, or amend your obligations under your branded agreement, and Phillips 66 Company retains and does not waive the right to debrand a site due to your non-compliance with your branded agreement. In this extreme case, a formal Notice of Debrand will be mailed to you in the form of a certified letter giving at least 90 days’ advance notice that the site will be terminated from your branded agreement if improvement and a passing score are not achieved within the time period stated in the Notice of Debrand.  
    • No sites will have the current consecutive count reset. The first measured quarter will be Quarter 1, 2024. If you have three or more consecutive failures, non-compliance fines will begin April 2024
    • We encourage your site(s) to utilize the cure time to increase scores.  

Addition(s) to the Program:  

  • Dark Audits: Dark audits will now occur to further evaluate lighting brand elements. The following guidelines will be applied to dark audits: 
    • A dark audit will be performed at a site once a year.  
    • Dark audits will only be performed at night. 
    • Shopper does not have to enter c-store. 
    • We will provide more guidance on the evaluation soon! 


  • Drug & Drug Paraphernalia Changes: Effective October 1, 2023, changes were made to the evaluation and scoring of Question 12. 
  • Excellence in Action Guidebook: The Excellence in Action Guidebook is an exciting addition to the toolkit and designed to help improve site performance. Download Guidebook.  

The Excellence in Action Program is designed to help drive positive and consistent consumer experiences by supporting your performance in areas proven to impact satisfaction and drive sales. We look forward to the new program changes and enhancements in 2024.  

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